Tillman® Spats & Leggings

Shoes need protection, too.

Spats & Leggings

For the welder that requires the very best! Premium Split cowhide or Aluminized Rayon (AR) or Aluminized Carbon DuPont™ Kevlar® (ACK) spats cover boots/ankles or leggings, with leg coverage up to 15″; protects against sparks and spatter; aluminized protection for radiant, high-heat environments; ACK for molten metal splash.

ACK & AR Spats
& Leggings

Aluminized Rayon or Aluminized Carbon DuPont™ Kevlar® spats, covering boots/ankles, to leggings with leg coverage up to 15″; protection in radiant, high-heat environments; protects against sparks and spatter, molten metal splash.